This is a Page for your weekly schedule of readings/assignments.
Week 1: August 29th
Next Class is on Thursday, September 5th from 11:00AM to 11:50AM (classes follow a Monday schedule on this day)
Please complete the following prior to this class:
- Be sure you are getting notifications via Remind
- Read the following article: Daniel Pink on Motivation
- Read the following overview of Motivational Theory
- Be sure you can access Blackboard as well as the CUNY Academic Commons
Week 3: Sep 9th and Sep 12th
Next Class is on Monday, September 16th from 11:00AM to 11:50AM
Today, we focused on Hypothesis to collaboratively annotate, reviewed and discussed course topics, and worked in small groups to unpack different motivational theories.
Please complete the following prior to this class:
- Please read What Literacy Instruction Looks Like (International Literacy Association)
- Please read Six Early Literacy Skills
- If you can figure it out, try to annotate using Hypothesis
- Please note: In order to annotate, you will likely need to click on the link and be using your Chrome browser.
- Review the motivational theories discussed in class to be sure you do not have any questions.
Week 3: Sep 16th and Sep 19th
During class, we focused on Six Early Literacy Skills and What Literacy Instruction looks like. We are using this in order to connect to our own experiences in literacy, as well as to begin to think about the needs of younger readers. This work will be the foundation for our upcoming experiences at the BMCC Childcare Center.
For Class on September 19th, please:
- Bring in one or two of your favorite picture books when you were a child
- If possible, bring in one or two alphabet books
For Class on Sep 23rd
- Check out these books from Book Riot
- And these books from Goodreads
- Bring in one or two if you can for Monday
- Read the articles on Interactive Read-Alouds
Week 3: Sep 23rd and Sep 26th
Please note that the following assignments were due on Sep 23. If you have not completed them, they are now due
- Check out these books from Book Riot
- And these books from Goodreads
- Bring in two to three for THURSDAY
- Read the articles on Interactive Read-Alouds
- Review the Oral Reading Handout – we will work on this in class on THURSDAY
** Thank you for a great THURSDAY class. Please note that we do not have class on Monday (9/30) and the next time I will see you is on Thursday (10/3)
In order to prepare for our next class, please engage in the following work:
- You should have three interactive read-alouds prepared by Thursday 10/3
- Remember, you will be writing up and submitting one of them (instructions will be provided on Thursday)
- Please read paragraphs 3,4 and 9 in the following handout: Cognative Information Processing
- Please read Ch 1.(Pages 1-12) in the book I showed in class. The password will be sent to you via remind.